Welcome to our online auction. All proceeds go to charity.
As usual, we do need to set some general rules and conditions:
Payment options are available through online banking, select Kane Veterinary as your payee, your staff account is the account number (ie Staff123). You can also contact Bev Schmidt bschmidt@kanevet.com or Jessica Gagnier jessica@kanevet.com to arrange payment.
We have tried our best to explain damages. Please note auction contains: items with missing tags, damaged packaging, tears/punctures/broken seals, samples, new, discontinued and mis-shipped items.
We have used both real and stock photos for item images. Items may not be exactly as shown.
We ask everyone to please be patient, once the auction ends we still need to sort through all the product and match it to the respective winner(s).
Auction Item | Value | Time Left | Current Bid |
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kane Veterinary Supplies Ltd. at brigetta@kanevet.com.